How To Change Your Profile Picture On Instander

How To Change Profile Picture On Instander

Instander is a modified version of Instagram. It is one of the most popular digital applications people all around the globe are using. This social media application allows you to share photos and images with high quality and in high resolution. If you are new on Instander and don’t know how to change profile picture on instander then we are here to guide you perfectly with more in depth details. In this article we will tell you how to change pictures on mobile phones, PC and Mac.

Why Instander Profile Picture is Necessary to Use

As we all know that profile picture is the identity of the user and it is the first thing that other individuals notice. So always be thoughtful while choosing an image that you want to be your display picture.

There are two types of the Instander profile picture

  • Branded profile picture
  • Personal Profile picture

Branded profile picture

Brand profile pictures are used for marketing purposes and it is mostly used by the brands or bigger multinational companies for selling their products like Apple, Nike etc. It may be the logo of brand or company. Make sure while uploading picture remember the size of Instander profile picture that is 110×110 pixels.

Personal profile Picture

Personal profile pictures are used by the individual for themselves. It may be their profile or any images which they like. You would see profile pictures of many popular celebrities including content creators, influencers, bloggers and journalists. So better to choose pic that fit the size of 110*110 pixels.

What is Correct dimensions For Instander Picture

We have already mentioned the correct dimension above but here we give a little bit recap again. The dimension for profile picture on the mobile view is 110*110 but with desktop view the dimension increase to 180*180.   

Can you change the dimensions Of Profile picture

No, absolutely not you cannot change the dimension of the Instander profile picture. It is already 110*110. Anything greater than this resolution crop and trim out automatically.

How To Change Profile Picture On Instander iOS

Below is the method to change the profile pic on Instander for iOS.

How To Change Profile Picture On Instander iOS
  • First launch the Instander app  to add a profile picture. Then tap in the lower right corner on the display profile picture.
  • Then tap on the edit profile options.
  • Then tap on the select change profile option. 
  • A popup menu will appear with different options like current profile picture option, import it from facebook or device library.
  • After selecting the option that suits you best, upload the picture.
  • Then zoom in or zoom out the picture.
  • Tap done once it fits your desired dimensions.

How To Change Profile Picture On Android

Following is the method given below to change profile pic on the android.

  • First open the Instander application. Then tap on the display picture in the lower right corner.
  • You would see the option of edit profile under the bio.
  • Tap change profile picture. Upload the new profile picture from the device library or take a new photo.
  • Once uploading, you can zoom in and zoom out according to yourself.
  • After final changes tap on done.

How To Change Instander Profile Pic On PC Or Mac

Below is the method given to change profile picture on PC or Mac.

  • First open Instander for PC on web browser. Then tap on the upper right corner to display the photo.
  • A pop up menu with many options appears. Just click on choose profile.
  • Click to edit profile.
  • Then click on the Change profile option.
  • A pop up menu with two different options appears like uploading photos from the library or removing current photos.
  • Tap on the display picture in the upper right corner.
  • Click to choose a profile.
  • This way you easily change your profile pic.


In this article we have discussed different way to How to change profile picture in Android, iOS and PC. We have discussed everything in details including dimensions and why it is necessary to change picture or upload picture. Hope so you find this article helpful.

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