How To Block Someone On Instander

How To Block Someone On Instander

If you are a social media addict and use it on a daily basis. But sometimes you encounter a person who constantly irritates you and leads to frustration. If you are new on the Instander platform and don’t know how to tackle a frustrated person or want to know how to block someone on instander? Then you are at the right destination. We are here to provide you with a full detailed guide on how to block someone on Instander APK. Keep scrolling to know more. You can block someone on mobile as well on the desktop.

Methods To Block Someone On Mobile Phone

Follow the given method below to block the person on the Android or iOS.

Steps To Block Someone On Mobile

Step 1: Open Instander

First tap on the Instander icon to launch an app. It looks like a multicoloured camera app. Then the app home screen will appear in front of you if you are already logged in. If not then you have to enter your username along with the password to sign in to your account.

Step 2: Open User Profile

Then you have to open the profile of the person whom you want to block. Keep scrolling until you find the specific individual profile. Simple you can also tap on the search icon at the bottom of the home screen and there typing their profile or user name to locate.

Step 3: Tap On 3 Dot Menu

Then on the right corner on the top tap on the three dot a menu will appear, with several options

Step 4: Tap Block

Then scroll the menu down an option will appear written as block option.

Step 5: Tap Block When Prompted

After tapping the block option. The user profile will be no longer available for you to see. The user profile will be added to the block list. They don’t even know that you have blocked them.

How to block someone on Desktop

Follow the steps below to know about how to block any individual by using Instander for PC.

Steps To Block Someone On Desktop

Step 1: Open Web Browser

First open Google chrome for launching Instander on the chrome extension.

Step 2: Launch Instander For PC

Type instander to open the app. After the app appears, type your user name and password for the sign in process.

Step 3: Locate User profile

After login the next step is to locate the specific user profile to block them. Tap on the search icon at the bottom of the screen and type the profile or user name to find the individual.

Step 4: Visit Profile

After finding the specific profile, Click on the three dot menu that you would see on the top right corner.

Step 5: Block Option Appear

After clicking the three dot menu, a tab with different options appears. You can also see the block option there.

Step 6: Tap To Block

After seeing the option, click on it to block the individual. You will no longer be able to see her in your feed. The individual profile will be included in your blocklist. This way you can easily block anyone.

Reason For Blocking Someone

There are many reasons that involve that led to block anyone but we here discuss some.

Removing Toxic People

The main reason to block anyone is toxicity. You don’t want to create stress for yourself. So without wasting time you better seek to remove them from your life by blocking them. This led to creating a safer environment for yourself reducing anxiety and stress.

Maintaining Personal Boundaries

In social media, people share their life moments publicly but sometimes it is necessary to maintain boundaries so don’t let toxic people comment on you. It basically allows content creators to control who can view their personal information. It lets the user decide whom they want to maintain distance from.

Avoiding Unhealthy Comparison

To maintain peace or to avoid unhealthy comparison by looking at the luxurious life of the social media Influencers. It helps you to focus on your well being and yourself. It allows you to create a positive environment around yourself.

Final Words

In this article we have tried to discover different methods and reasons that led to blocking someone on Instander. If you are new on Instander and you were looking for How to block someone on instander, we have covered pretty much everything about it, and we hope it would be fruitful for you.

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